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Salbutamol Tablets (Asthalin) - 2mg (30 Tablets)
Salbutamol Tablets (Asthalin) are used to help reduce the inflammation of the lungs for those that have various types of health concerns. They include asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, and lung disease. This medicine may be taken to help people with wheezing issues to be able to get adequate exercise without that problem occurring.

From only £1.35 per Pack

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Reactin-50 (Diclofenac Sodium) - 50mg (10 Tablets)
Reactin 50 (Diclofenac or Diclofenac Sodium 50mg) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID). It is used to treat symptoms of arthritis such as joint aches and pains, stiff joints and swelling of the joints.

From only £1.42 per Strip

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Torsemide (Dytor) - 10mg (10 Tablets)
Torsemide (Dytor) is a medication that can help to reduce the swelling of the extremities and the abdominal region. There are various healthy conditions that can result in the body retaining too much fluid. This health concern is called Edema and it can be due to problems with the heart, kidneys, or the liver. Sometimes, Torsemide is also given for those with high blood pressure that haven’t responded well to other forms of medicine.

From only £1.75 per Strip

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Fluka (Fluconazole) - 150mg (1 Tablet)
Fluka (Fluconazole) is an azole antifungal agent used in the treatment of vaginal yeast infections. A single dose usually stops the growth of most common types of vaginal yeast or fungus.

From only £1.90 per Tablet

Tamoxifen (Cytotam) - 10mg (10 Tablets)
Tamoxifen (Cytotam) is used for the treatment of breast cancer for both men and women. This type of medication works by reducing the amount of estrogen which is a hormone that the body produces. Sometimes this medication is also used to help control and conquer other forms of cancer too include various skin cancers.

From only £2.02 per

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Forcan (Fluconazole) - 150mg (1 Tablet)
Forcan (Fluconazole) is a type of triazole antifungal medication, which works by slowing down the growth of fungi responsible for causing infections. It is widely used to treat and prevent many different fungal infections, such as lung, bladder and genital infections.

From only £2.20 per Pack

Dytor (Torsemide) - 10mg (15 Tablets)
Dytor works by causing the kidneys to remove excess fluid and salt by increasing the production of urine. It can be used to treat swelling and edema (fluid retention) in patients with congestive heart failure, liver disease or kidney disorders such as nephritic syndrome. Reducing extra fluid in the body can also treat high blood pressure (hypertension) which can help prevent strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems.

From only £2.90 per Pack

Torsemide (Dytor) - 20mg (10 Tablets)
When a patient doesn’t respond well to various forms of medication for hypertension, the use of Torsemide (Dytor) may be considered. This is because it can help to reduce the swelling around the arms, legs, and the abdominal area. It can also help to reduce the amount of water and salt that the body is retaining.

From only £2.96 per Strip

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Acyclovir 400mg (Acivir 400) - 400mg (5 Tablets)
Acyclovir is most commonly prescribed to treat and clear up outbreaks of the herpes virus. Other conditions that can be treated by acyclovir include chicken pox and shingles. Acyclovir is a antiviral medicaition.

From only £3.12 per Strip

Tamoxifen (Cytotam) - 20mg (10 Tablets)
Tamoxifen (Cytotam) is used for the treatment of breast cancer for both men and women. This type of medication works by reducing the amount of estrogen which is a hormone that the body produces. Sometimes this medication is also used to help control and conquer other forms of cancer too include various skin cancers.

From only £3.21 per

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